2012年4月20日 星期五



  1. Remove make-up with Fancl cleansing oil/ AD+ Mild Cleansing(for sensitive skin)
  2. use AD+ foamfor basic cleansing (day and night)
  3. spray Botani soothing mist as Toner (10 minutes after cleansing if possible, to “train up” your skin)
  4. put Dr Wu 玻尿酸 essence to 補水 (good for eye area too)
  5. optional: put AD+ medicated spot(for 粉刺) or Botani Rescue Blemish cream(for 暗瘡) on infected areas
  6. put Botani Squaleneto the rest of your skin to 補油。(light on eye area please)(油性皮膚:多補水、少補油。乾性皮膚既要補水也要多補油。)
  7. optional: put 3 LAB ww eye cream for further eye nourishing and 去黑眼圈
  8. optional: put day/night cream if necessary (still sourcing for good day/night cream)
  9. put Uberzinc Sunscreeen (arriving at miming mart next week) every every every day.

Weekly, Do

1) peeling (withGrapia AHA peeling gel, available at miming mart) once a week 清除和軟化角質,防止角質積聚,預防暗瘡

2) deep cleansing mask (still sourcing for a good one, you can use Ipsa Clay Mask, Origins Charcoal mask, or Kiehl’s Rare-earth cleansing mask) once a week (preferbly 2-3 days after peeling) 深層清潔,去黑頭

3) Dr Wu 玻尿酸 hydrating maskafter doing 1) and 2)both.
4) Use
Sara Happ Lip Scrub 1-2 times a week depending on your needs

